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animal spirits 血氣,元氣。

It is shown that the following conditions can trigger a twin crisis : ( 1 ) foreign depositors receive bad signals about the future output and foreign exchange rate ; ( 2 ) or domestic residents overreact to the bad signals about the future output and exchange rate so they stop investing ; ( 3 ) or by pure “ animal spirits “ domestic residents do not invest anymore 本文發現,下列條件可以引發又重金融危機: ( 1 )一部分外國存款人在中期獲得了關于東道國未來產出或幣值的糟糕信號; ( 2 )本國居民對未來產出或幣值的不利信號反應過度而不再追加投資; ( 3 )居民由于“動物情緒”不再追加投資。

The lecture platform was the nearest that he , a shy man lacking in “ animal spirits “ , could be to his fellows 他天性靦腆, “血氣”不足,在講壇上是他和群眾最接近的時候。


It is shown that the following conditions can trigger a twin crisis : ( 1 ) foreign depositors receive bad signals about the future output and foreign exchange rate ; ( 2 ) or domestic residents overreact to the bad signals about the future output and exchange rate so they stop investing ; ( 3 ) or by pure “ animal spirits “ domestic residents do not invest anymore 本文發現,下列條件可以引發又重金融危機: ( 1 )一部分外國存款人在中期獲得了關于東道國未來產出或幣值的糟糕信號; ( 2 )本國居民對未來產出或幣值的不利信號反應過度而不再追加投資; ( 3 )居民由于“動物情緒”不再追加投資。

That when a malefactor who has the halter about his neck , is tyed up , and just going to be turn d off , and has a reprieve brought to him : i say , i do not wonder that they bring a surgeon with it , to let him blood that very moment they tell him of it , that the surprise may not drive the animal spirits from the heart , and overwhelm him 可以想像,我急于要查看一下哪些東西已損壞,哪些東西還完好無損。首先,我發現船上的糧食都還干燥無恙。這時,我當然先要吃些東西,就走到面包房去,把餅干裝滿了自己的衣袋,同時邊吃邊干其他活兒,因為我必須抓緊時間才行。

The young sparks , it is true , were as full of extravagancies as overgrown children : the words of their tumultuary discussions were difficultly understood and not often nice : their testiness and outrageous mots were such that his intellects resiled from : nor were they scrupulously sensible of the proprieties though their fund of strong animal spirits spoke in their behalf 彼等蕩兒實似狂妄自大之頑童,喜議論喧囂,用語費解,且口出不遜。每聞其暴躁與寡廉鮮恥之話語187 ,頓感憤慨。雖能以血氣方剛勉強為之開脫,但如此無禮實難以忍受。

Physically , she far excelled me : she was handsome ; she was vigorous . in her animal spirits there was an affluence of life and certainty of flow , such as excited my wonder , while it baffled my comprehension . i could talk a while when the evening commenced , but the first gush of vivacity and fluency gone , i was fain to sit on a stool at diana s feet , to rest my head on her knee , and listen alternately to her and mary , while they sounded thoroughly the topic on which i had but touched 體態上她遠勝于我,漂亮而精力過人,活潑而有生氣,流動著一種使我為之驚異又難以理解的豐富的生命力,夜晚的最初時刻,我還能談一會兒,但第一陣子輕松自如的談話之后,我便只好坐在黛安娜腳邊的矮凳上,把頭靠在她膝頭上,輪流聽著她和瑪麗深談著我只觸及了皮毛的話題。

She had high animal spirits , and a sort of natural self - consequence , which the attentions of the officers , to whom her uncle s good dinners and her own easy manners recommended her , had increased into assurance 她生性好動,天生有些不知分寸,加上她的姨爹一次次以美酒嘉肴宴請那些軍官們,軍官們又見她頗有幾分浪蕩的風情,便對她發生了相當好感,于是她更加肆無忌憚了。

In 1998 rate cuts quickly restored the animal spirits of investors and the dotcom bubble followed 在1998年,降息很快使得投資人從困獸心情中恢復過來,但是隨之而來的是互聯網泡沫。

The lecture platform was the nearest that he , a shy man lacking in “ animal spirits “ , could be to his fellows 他天性靦腆, “血氣”不足,在講壇上是他和群眾最接近的時候。

I ' m trying to save my animal spirit 我在設法拯救我的獸性

The man seemed to be in animal spirits and joked incessantly 這個人似乎精神很好,他不停地說著笑話。

The beautiful spring weather brought out his animal spirits 春天美好的天氣令他煥發出朝氣。

This week saw yet another surge in animal spirits 本周,收購熱潮又有新高漲。